Thursday, May 16, 2013

For My Big Sister.....

Cancer has no does not will attack the wealthiest, the poorest, the most beautiful, the most undesirable, the thinnest, the heaviest, the strongest, the weakest, strangers, and our loved ones. It is easy to think it only happens to other people...not us...not our families, but it does. We lost our Dad to cancer....I also lost an aunt, my father in law, a cousin, grandparents...and the list goes on. I had a great-niece fight and win against non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Now it wants my sister....well, cancer....YOU CAN NOT HAVE HER!!!

My sister was recently diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma...aka breast cancer. She has just underwent her surgery (2 days ago). The doctor seems very optimistic  but truthfully, we won't know anything for sure until we get the pathology reports back. The only thing I can do is be there for her, hold her hand, support her, and do whatever I can emotionally and physically to let her know that, although this is happening to her, she is not going through this alone. We have a large family (I have 6 sisters and 2 brothers)...we shall rally around her....when she is weak, we will be will her husband, children, and grand-children. We will hold her up if she cannot hold herself up....we will hold her up if she just doesn't feel like holding herself up...we will fight when she is tired....we will laugh when all we want to do is cry....we will unite...and

Aside from all of that there is something I can do to give her a bright spot in her day.....I can make her a card....and I did just that. 

  (this is enlarged, but is on the inside front flap)

I love you Diane....
when you are weak, we will be strong...
lean on us....
let us carry you through this....
this is NOT just YOUR fight.
Love, Your baby sister....

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