Thursday, October 31, 2013

13 Days of Halloween.....Day 13...

This is going to be short and sweet. I am very tired but needed to get this posted....ahhhh.....last day of the 13 days. I only got 7 done but they were fun! I hope some of you joined on on the challenges. This challenge was black and white and one other other color, as you can see, is blue. Don't forget to go to the SBS Blog and check out the rest of the DT creations. They are FANTASTIC!!!!
The images I used are from the Trick or Treat teens lines ...they are called Count Chris and Countess Betty....we had to merge our images, so they appear to be one, but they are actually 2 images. Get them HERE!
 Until later....Happy Coloring!!

1 comment:

DistinctiveLMNts said...

B E A U T I F U L!!!!!